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English Debate

信息来源: 发布日期: 2020-10-23 浏览次数:

 课程名称:English  Debate

主讲教师:Xiangjing Chen

所在学院:School of Foreign Studies

课程团队:Rui Liu、Hong Chang、LI Ying 、DONG Yanyun、JI Le、ZHANG Li、ZHANG Jingjie、ZOU Haojing、CHU Jianwei、SHI Jiayi、SHI Yanrui、Xi Qian


This course aims to offer learners a comparatively panoramic survey of English debate, introducing the fundamental duties and skills of a debater mainly in British Parliamentary style debates. It helps the learners to improve their critical thinking skills and cross-cultural communication awareness, as well as their debating skills.

Hopefully, learners can also broaden their visions in various knowledge and culture related domains by extensive reading and active participation in discussions and interactions with the teachers and other learners on the forum.